Saturday, January 7, 2012

A new year, and the motivation to continue.

     I know it has been a while since I have written here, but I really felt it neccessary to share this story with you. Last night I had a dream that I was talking with you about my goals and why, though completely frightened by failure, I will pursue my life long dreams of going to Graduate school, visiting New York City, and publishing a novel.

    I don't remember much of the dream, but I do remember one paragraph, which I have decided to use as my motivation for the year of 2012. Here it is (poor grammar and all) :
"I have fallen.scrapped.cut.bruised. I have endured surgery.physical therapy and stationary bikes. I have gone through orthopedic braces. walkers. crutches and canes. I have done all this, and yet I have never failed to find a reason to pick myself off the ground and continue... So why am I allowing myself to start now? Why should I diminish my prior accomplishments and believe they can never compare to the dreams I wish to pursue today? If I can accomplish all that I have in regards to my Cerebral Palsy than it is possible for me  to go to New York, get into grad school, and publish a novel. If I can continue to conquer my disability, I can continue to conquer my dreams. I will do it."
Though after waking up I still am completely afraid of the uncertainty that lies in my future, this is my motivation. I will be the person I wish to become. I will stop at nothing to make my dreams become my reality. I will focus on doing what you, Dad, and Shelby have taught me- I will continue to never give up on myself.

Love Always and Forever
Your Daughter,

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