Friday, May 9, 2014

Written April 20th: Ladies and Gentlemen

Hi Mom,
It has indeed been months without writing, but I think it was for the best. Writing any earlier than this moment would have meant that I would have left out the lessons I’ve learned…unable to see the larger picture at that point in time.

The week and weekend after the Superbowl was truly a turning point in so many ways…It was a new vulnerability for me and marked the start of a months time without weekly visits from friends…but yet just what people I needed, just the birthday phone calls I prayed for, to keep me thriving and so so encouraged.
I ended my time living in Rocklin (for now) after a restful and EYE OPENING weekend away at a friends house…before the weekend was over I had decided to leave my at-the-time current living quarters for something totally different, totally life giving. Two weeks turned into two months and I cannot put into words how thankful I am for all the things I’ve learned, all the friends I’ve met, all the prayers I’ve prayed, all the tears I’ve cried over the injustices in our world, all the involvement I have grown into with our church… different than I thought, but exactly where God wants me…all the life experience and growth I’ve made.

I’m being filled and healed, encouraged and tested in ways that I know can only be God’s doing. After those two months I now have another new place to call home full of such blessing and more growth, encouragement, and fun. 

Almost-two-year-olds are such fun, even on his rough days I’m convinced he’s the best out there.

Surgery recovery has had its ups and its relapses but I've been busy. My favorite Georgia girl came to town, I conquered a week in SLO, and am now in month three of therapy twice a week. So thankful that if I have to be yanked and cranked on at least I’m friends  with the one who is doing it…a new blessing for me in this surgery/cerebral palsy journey of mine. To feel safe and advocated for before the first visit to the clinic even began.
Wednesdays have always been my favorite day, the day of the week Sara and I usually get together and last Wednesday that happened again. I just love lunch dates and real life conversations. This Wednesday was just as fulfilling, this time with a different friend.
I’m so thankful for the ladies and gentlemen in my life…. For teaching me about this crazy thing we call adulthood, relationships, service, and walking with God. Couldn’t be happy in the ups and the downs without God’s orchestration and of course the constant: family…and friends who are just the same as blood.
Love Always and Forever
Your Daughter


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