Saturday, September 25, 2010

My Obvious Giveaways...

Part of me is saying that I shouldn't post this, simply because those of you who do read it will criticize me, but oh well- here it goes.

When I get uncomfortable or am hurting but don't want to cry, I smile.

I know- go ahead-laugh, question me, whatever you want...but its just my gut reaction, smiling. I don't have control over it sometimes.

I was recently talking to someone and I got to a point where I knew I wanted to cry, but I didn't want to show it... so my body naturally did what it does when I'm uncomfortable: I smiled instead.

I do understand why that would look odd and out of character: I'm saying something that I'm struggling with & I say it's sad, and then I smile?? What's wrong with a person who does that???....they must be insane.

Honestly though, I promise I'm not insane. I just don't know how to respond to something without crying... and I just smile so often... it just comes out.

I really DO care about what I'm talking about...I really DO mean what I say....I just DON'T WANT TO CRY...
I always got in trouble as a kid for crying too my fall back was smiling, and now by doing that- I just look like an inconsiderate jerk. fantastic,not.

So, there you have it. My readers...(all two of you)....  now believe I am insane and worst of all: you know my dead giveaway, smiling when I really want to cry.

please don't judge me, I already judge myself. I'm sorry.


  1. You are insane for thinking there is something wrong with you for smiling... consider it strength! Take it from someone who cries at everything. love you

  2. Thanks Mak, I love you too. I was just really taken back by someones response...even after I explained myself. Thanks for the comment:)
