Wednesday, November 24, 2010


The word thanksgiving just doesn't seem to fit this year.

I mean really though...

I can't say that I'm thankful that Dad, Shelby, and I will be separated this holiday.

nor can I say that I'm thankful for your illness or your passing

I can say though, that I'm grateful that ...even though Dad will be visiting his parents while Shelby and I stay in town...we as a family still know what is best for each other and aren't letting our circumstances this holiday get in the way of the amount of love we have for each other. We are encouraging each other to make the best personal decision we can.

I can say I'm grateful for what your passing mom has taught me: Just how powerful love can be, how many blessings I have, and just how much of a fighter and a beautiful mom you were.

 Sure, I would have gladly loved to learn these lessons another way...but I'm still being given the opportunity to grow because of them...and for that I am grateful.

Others may say the words grateful and thankful are the same word...I strongly disagree.

In my mind if you're thankful for an event, or a person than you are acknowledging and accepting that what came out of that event or person was positive and beneficial. In other words the outcome aided you in some way.

On the other hand, if you say you're grateful for something then, in my mind, I believe you are acknowledging that what came out of a person or event doesn't have to be positive or beneficial but can be something that although painful or damaging, taught you something. If you are grateful for something I believe that you see the outcome as necessary to what makes you who you are.

The events that have occurred this pass year in my life were necessary in making me who I am today. They make me grateful because without them I wouldn't have realized what a blessing it is right this very moment to be wearing my favorite t-shirt of yours. Without these events I wouldn't have had the opportunity to grow in character...I wouldn't have had the opportunity to be strong, courageous, loving, and bold.

The people that have come and gone in my life this past year have built me into the sort of women I hope to become. They have and are giving me my foundation for which I will grow.

Mom, you gave me my taught me to fight to the end no matter what. You taught me to love beyond my own bounds.... to remind those who you care, admire, and love just how much you appreciate them, not every so often, but ALL the time.

With all this now spewed on the blank face of my blogger screen I will end with saying that,while I may be saying Happy Thanksgiving to my friends and family tomorrow.... in my mind I will be saying "Happy Gratefulgiving Day my friends! "

Be grateful, not only thankful, because everything that has occurred to you is for purpose. Maybe not to make you better according to societies standards but to make you a better version of yourself.

Love always and Forever
Your Daughter,

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