Monday, October 18, 2010

If I sang my melody... (I Love)

I love the crazy emotional roller coaster that has become my today.
From dreading my morning, to being wonderfully surprised by my sister, to experiencing the weirdest confusion of feelings that was my afternoon, to coming into the evening feeling inadequate as a leader and then coming out of it feeling like I matter. WOW! Life you throw me for a loop… part of me feels like jumping in the air and shouting for joy while the other half would rather just hide under a rock.

I love being loved. I love being thought about. I love being encouraged. I love being confused. I love being surprised. I love being sad. I love mourning. I love laughing. I love all these things not because they are always good or enjoyable in the moment (I have to say, mourning and sadness- not exactly fun emotions to experience ) but I love them because they are ME.

 I love them because they are TRUE. REAL. HONEST.

There is hope in pain. There is hope in joy. There is hope, even in an emotional roller coaster.

“Moods that take me and erase me and I’m painted black. Well you have suffered enough and warred with yourself its time that you’ve won!”

“…Falling slowly, sing your melody ...I’ll sing along” -Kris Allen, Falling Slowly
Love Always
 Your Daughter, Brittany

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