Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Live Beautifully.

To say I want more time to get all my things done is a lie.
 I want more time to love, more time to encourage, more time in invest others, more time to be free, and more time to enjoy. A lot of school things going on this week... yet all I really want to ask for is not more time on homework assignments, tests postponed, or fun movies in class. I want to ask for time to live beautifully. To live not to complete tasks, but to enjoy what blessings surround me. Sure, I am completely stressed out by the amount of work I have this week... but when it comes down to it I would enjoy time spent in love, in friendship, in peace....A lot more than time spent in textbooks, reading over notes, and completing projects.

Time spent doing what matters is time spent living beautifully. Smile, Laugh,Love and use your time to meditate on good things, your little blessings in your day. Focus on living beautifully and with purpose... rather than thinking of how to complete your to do lists.

Love Britt.

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